Imi fac o datorie de onoare din a pune punct unui film de groaza care m-a "coshmarit" mult timp. Probabil ca uneori ma pierd in detalii si pun prea multe puncte de-astea, de crede "lumea" ca sunt puncte de suspensie si ca povestea poate continua asa, la nesfarsit.
Ei bine, la mine nimic nu ramane in aer si cred ca ar fi trebuit sa stii macar atata "info" despre mine. Daca nu, fa-ti periodic "update"-uri, ca esti praf. Oricum, "Windows"-ul pe care il rulezi este crack-uit, asa ca ai parte mereu de "crash"-uri. Numai ca, de vreo trei saptamani, am inchis oficiul de "Relatii cu clientii", asa ca poti sa-ti efectuezi "service si maintenance" in alta parte.
Stiu ca este scarbos din partea mea sa procedez asa, insa o sa las postul asta aici, cu dedicatiile de rigoare ("fara numar, fara numar"), sa-l citesti ori de cate ori ai "bad"-uri pe "hard" si uiti.
Cu un ultim efort in directia ta, ti-am cules niste "folclor", sa-l rumegi bine. Mult succes pe viitor! (O sa ai nevoie...)
Nu-i asa ca suna bine? Cea mai tare scrisoare de adio :))
I see ending a scary movie as a debt of honour, because it "haunted" me for too long. I probably use "fullstop" too frequently, that's why the "people" take them as suspension points and think that the story can go on like this forever.
Well, I work differently, that's why nothing is left pending. I thought you should have known this little "info" about me. If not, "update" yourself more frequently, 'cause you're down. Anyhow, the "Windows" you boot is "cracked", that's why your "system" "crashes" so often. Starting with three weeks ago, you have a problem: I closed my "public relation department", so you can search for "service and maintenance" somewhere else.
I know it's rude of me to do that, but I will leave this message here for you to read it everytime you have "bad"-s on your "harddisk" and seem to forget stuff.
With the last effort done towards you, I picked up some "folclory" for you, in order to "chew" it and draw some conclusion. I wish you good luck! (you will need it...)
Isn't this sweet? It's the coolest good-bye letter :)))
And the Oscar goes to...
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