duminică, 24 august 2008
sâmbătă, 23 august 2008
The Rose - Bette Midler
Some say love it is a river
that drowns the tender reed
Some say love it is a razor
that leaves your soul to bleed
Some say love it is a hunger
an endless aching need
I say love it is a flower
and you its only seed
It's the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance?
It's the dream afraid of waking
that never takes the chance?
It's the one who won't be taken
who cannot seem to give...
And the soul afraid of dying
that never learns to live?
When the night has been too lonely
and the road has been too long,
and you think that love is only
for the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter
far beneath the bitter snows
lies the seed that with the sun's love
in the spring becomes the rose...
Pentru a defini dragostea nu ai nevoie de cuvinte, insa ochii oamenilor au uitat sa deschida cartea sufletului si sa citeasca de acolo, rand cu rand, trecutul, prezentul si viitorul...
It's the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance?
Numai frica ne face slabi si ne arunca, zi de zi, ca pe o coaja de nuca, de colo-colo. Pune punct fricii! Nu te lasa condus de ea! Ai curaj! Musca din viata ca dintr-o para aurie si parfumata! Nu trebuie sa-ti pese daca te va stropi cu siropul ei. E dulce...
It's the dream afraid of waking
that never takes the chance?
Cand oamenii se vor opri din visare, va muri totul in jurul lor. Visul este forma suprema de curaj, in care iti poti infrunta temerile, le poti face fatza. Poti descoperi lucruri noi. Nu-ti refuza evolutia...
And [is] the soul afraid of dying
that never learns to live?
Versurile astea spun tot... Inchide ochii si accepta adevarul. Invata sa nu mai fugi de tine si de ceea ce simti. Tot ce simti te face deosebit, mai bogat, mai implinit, mai fericit. In DEX, fericirea are o explicatie generica... Dar fiecare dintre noi o traieste nuantat, nu purtam o "uniforma" a fericirii. Uneori, eu nu port nimic cu mine, decat o picatura de parfum si o muzica buna. Hainele, banii, certurile, frecusurile zilnice, partenerii posesivi, colegii/prietenii ciufuti sunt accesorii ale unei lumi pe care o negi cu toata fiinta, atunci cand stii sa fii fericit... ca esti tu, ca existi.
Just remember in the winter
far beneath the bitter snows
lies the seed that with the sun's love
in the spring becomes the rose...
Some say love it is a river
that drowns the tender reed
Some say love it is a razor
that leaves your soul to bleed
Some say love it is a hunger
an endless aching need
I say love it is a flower
and you its only seed
It's the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance?
It's the dream afraid of waking
that never takes the chance?
It's the one who won't be taken
who cannot seem to give...
And the soul afraid of dying
that never learns to live?
When the night has been too lonely
and the road has been too long,
and you think that love is only
for the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter
far beneath the bitter snows
lies the seed that with the sun's love
in the spring becomes the rose...
Pentru a defini dragostea nu ai nevoie de cuvinte, insa ochii oamenilor au uitat sa deschida cartea sufletului si sa citeasca de acolo, rand cu rand, trecutul, prezentul si viitorul...
It's the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance?
Numai frica ne face slabi si ne arunca, zi de zi, ca pe o coaja de nuca, de colo-colo. Pune punct fricii! Nu te lasa condus de ea! Ai curaj! Musca din viata ca dintr-o para aurie si parfumata! Nu trebuie sa-ti pese daca te va stropi cu siropul ei. E dulce...
It's the dream afraid of waking
that never takes the chance?
Cand oamenii se vor opri din visare, va muri totul in jurul lor. Visul este forma suprema de curaj, in care iti poti infrunta temerile, le poti face fatza. Poti descoperi lucruri noi. Nu-ti refuza evolutia...
And [is] the soul afraid of dying
that never learns to live?
Versurile astea spun tot... Inchide ochii si accepta adevarul. Invata sa nu mai fugi de tine si de ceea ce simti. Tot ce simti te face deosebit, mai bogat, mai implinit, mai fericit. In DEX, fericirea are o explicatie generica... Dar fiecare dintre noi o traieste nuantat, nu purtam o "uniforma" a fericirii. Uneori, eu nu port nimic cu mine, decat o picatura de parfum si o muzica buna. Hainele, banii, certurile, frecusurile zilnice, partenerii posesivi, colegii/prietenii ciufuti sunt accesorii ale unei lumi pe care o negi cu toata fiinta, atunci cand stii sa fii fericit... ca esti tu, ca existi.
Just remember in the winter
far beneath the bitter snows
lies the seed that with the sun's love
in the spring becomes the rose...
miercuri, 20 august 2008
Good-bye, Scary Movie (Ro + En.)
Imi fac o datorie de onoare din a pune punct unui film de groaza care m-a "coshmarit" mult timp. Probabil ca uneori ma pierd in detalii si pun prea multe puncte de-astea, de crede "lumea" ca sunt puncte de suspensie si ca povestea poate continua asa, la nesfarsit.
Ei bine, la mine nimic nu ramane in aer si cred ca ar fi trebuit sa stii macar atata "info" despre mine. Daca nu, fa-ti periodic "update"-uri, ca esti praf. Oricum, "Windows"-ul pe care il rulezi este crack-uit, asa ca ai parte mereu de "crash"-uri. Numai ca, de vreo trei saptamani, am inchis oficiul de "Relatii cu clientii", asa ca poti sa-ti efectuezi "service si maintenance" in alta parte.
Stiu ca este scarbos din partea mea sa procedez asa, insa o sa las postul asta aici, cu dedicatiile de rigoare ("fara numar, fara numar"), sa-l citesti ori de cate ori ai "bad"-uri pe "hard" si uiti.
Cu un ultim efort in directia ta, ti-am cules niste "folclor", sa-l rumegi bine. Mult succes pe viitor! (O sa ai nevoie...)
Nu-i asa ca suna bine? Cea mai tare scrisoare de adio :))
I see ending a scary movie as a debt of honour, because it "haunted" me for too long. I probably use "fullstop" too frequently, that's why the "people" take them as suspension points and think that the story can go on like this forever.
Well, I work differently, that's why nothing is left pending. I thought you should have known this little "info" about me. If not, "update" yourself more frequently, 'cause you're down. Anyhow, the "Windows" you boot is "cracked", that's why your "system" "crashes" so often. Starting with three weeks ago, you have a problem: I closed my "public relation department", so you can search for "service and maintenance" somewhere else.
I know it's rude of me to do that, but I will leave this message here for you to read it everytime you have "bad"-s on your "harddisk" and seem to forget stuff.
With the last effort done towards you, I picked up some "folclory" for you, in order to "chew" it and draw some conclusion. I wish you good luck! (you will need it...)
Isn't this sweet? It's the coolest good-bye letter :)))
And the Oscar goes to...
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4yYIRqCEYQ&feature=related
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xg5oDzZu5jc
3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bKPxXoBHe0
Ei bine, la mine nimic nu ramane in aer si cred ca ar fi trebuit sa stii macar atata "info" despre mine. Daca nu, fa-ti periodic "update"-uri, ca esti praf. Oricum, "Windows"-ul pe care il rulezi este crack-uit, asa ca ai parte mereu de "crash"-uri. Numai ca, de vreo trei saptamani, am inchis oficiul de "Relatii cu clientii", asa ca poti sa-ti efectuezi "service si maintenance" in alta parte.
Stiu ca este scarbos din partea mea sa procedez asa, insa o sa las postul asta aici, cu dedicatiile de rigoare ("fara numar, fara numar"), sa-l citesti ori de cate ori ai "bad"-uri pe "hard" si uiti.
Cu un ultim efort in directia ta, ti-am cules niste "folclor", sa-l rumegi bine. Mult succes pe viitor! (O sa ai nevoie...)
Nu-i asa ca suna bine? Cea mai tare scrisoare de adio :))
I see ending a scary movie as a debt of honour, because it "haunted" me for too long. I probably use "fullstop" too frequently, that's why the "people" take them as suspension points and think that the story can go on like this forever.
Well, I work differently, that's why nothing is left pending. I thought you should have known this little "info" about me. If not, "update" yourself more frequently, 'cause you're down. Anyhow, the "Windows" you boot is "cracked", that's why your "system" "crashes" so often. Starting with three weeks ago, you have a problem: I closed my "public relation department", so you can search for "service and maintenance" somewhere else.
I know it's rude of me to do that, but I will leave this message here for you to read it everytime you have "bad"-s on your "harddisk" and seem to forget stuff.
With the last effort done towards you, I picked up some "folclory" for you, in order to "chew" it and draw some conclusion. I wish you good luck! (you will need it...)
Isn't this sweet? It's the coolest good-bye letter :)))
And the Oscar goes to...
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4yYIRqCEYQ&feature=related
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xg5oDzZu5jc
3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bKPxXoBHe0
joi, 14 august 2008
marți, 12 august 2008
Having fun at 3 a.m. :)
Tonight I recieved a link from a friend. I usually don't follow links recieved via e-mail, unless I know the person that sent it and that person says that it's interesting, fun, annoying, whatever.
It was a personality test, easy to take, because it consists in only 2 questions. The personality is guided by 2 axes (although I strongly believe that they are 3, that personality is 3D, not 2D).

My answers defined me as a number 7 type - the adventurer/the enthusiast. Reading it closely and objectively, I realized that it is pretty accurate. Still, some parts ar missing. But it's fun how you can be defined by the answer you give to just 2 questions...
"I am happy and open to new things"Adventurers are energetic, lively, and optimistic. They want to contribute to the world.
How to Get Along with Me
Give me companionship, affection, and freedom.
Engage with me in stimulating conversation and laughter.
Appreciate my grand visions and listen to my stories.
Don't try to change my style. Accept me the way I am.
Be responsible for youself. I dislike clingy or needy people.
Don't tell me what to do.
What I Like About Being a SEVEN
being optimistic and not letting life's troubles get me down
being spontaneous and free-spirited
being outspoken and outrageous. It's part of the fun.
being generous and trying to make the world a better place
having the guts to take risks and to try exciting adventures
having such varied interests and abilities
What's Hard About Being a SEVEN
not having enough time to do all the things I want
not completing things I start
not being able to profit from the benefits that come from specializing; not making a commitment to a career
having a tendency to be ungrounded; getting lost in plans or fantasies
feeling confined when I'm in a one-to-one relationship
SEVENs as Children Often
are action oriented and adventuresome
drum up excitement
prefer being with other children to being alone
finesse their way around adults
dream of the freedom they'll have when they grow up
SEVENs as Parents
are often enthusiastic and generous
want their children to be exposed to many adventures in life
may be too busy with their own activities to be attentive
Renee Baron & Elizabeth Wagele
The Enneagram Made Easy
Discover the 9 Types of People
Harper SanFrancisco, 1994, 161 pages
It was a personality test, easy to take, because it consists in only 2 questions. The personality is guided by 2 axes (although I strongly believe that they are 3, that personality is 3D, not 2D).

My answers defined me as a number 7 type - the adventurer/the enthusiast. Reading it closely and objectively, I realized that it is pretty accurate. Still, some parts ar missing. But it's fun how you can be defined by the answer you give to just 2 questions...
"I am happy and open to new things"Adventurers are energetic, lively, and optimistic. They want to contribute to the world.
How to Get Along with Me
Give me companionship, affection, and freedom.
Engage with me in stimulating conversation and laughter.
Appreciate my grand visions and listen to my stories.
Don't try to change my style. Accept me the way I am.
Be responsible for youself. I dislike clingy or needy people.
Don't tell me what to do.
What I Like About Being a SEVEN
being optimistic and not letting life's troubles get me down
being spontaneous and free-spirited
being outspoken and outrageous. It's part of the fun.
being generous and trying to make the world a better place
having the guts to take risks and to try exciting adventures
having such varied interests and abilities
What's Hard About Being a SEVEN
not having enough time to do all the things I want
not completing things I start
not being able to profit from the benefits that come from specializing; not making a commitment to a career
having a tendency to be ungrounded; getting lost in plans or fantasies
feeling confined when I'm in a one-to-one relationship
SEVENs as Children Often
are action oriented and adventuresome
drum up excitement
prefer being with other children to being alone
finesse their way around adults
dream of the freedom they'll have when they grow up
SEVENs as Parents
are often enthusiastic and generous
want their children to be exposed to many adventures in life
may be too busy with their own activities to be attentive
Renee Baron & Elizabeth Wagele
The Enneagram Made Easy
Discover the 9 Types of People
Harper SanFrancisco, 1994, 161 pages
luni, 11 august 2008
The begining (Ro+En)
Cateodata, te simti atras de niste locuri pe care nu le-ai vazut niciodata, despre care stii foarte putine, dar care te cheama spre ele cu un magnetism aproape magic. Pentru mine, Bulgaria a reprezentat un astfel de loc.
E bine de stiut din capul locului ca majoritatea celor ce vor fi povestite aici au o doza mare de obiectivism, dar exista si o latura subiectiva destul de puternica. Pe scurt, povestea sta cam asa:
Eu provin dintr-o familie de bulgari. Cele mai vechi informatii despre familia mea vin de undeva de pe la mijlocul secolului al XVIII-lea, cand familia se numea Gancev si locuia intr-un satuc langa Targoviste (cel bulgaresc, nu cel romanesc), pe nume Tvarditsa. Intrucat erau neam de razvratiti, conducatorii fanarioti si turci din acele vremuri le-au spus "Kara" ("= cel negru", "cel rau"), particula care s-a pastrat lipita de numele de familie pana la mine, ultima din neamul lor.
Ponegriti, "vanati", inaintasii mei s-au retras din Tvarditsa catre Tighina, in sudul Basarabiei, unde au prins si au luptat in toate razboaiele pana in anul 1956, cand s-au stabilit undeva langa Craiova. Aici au venit strabunicii mei impreuna cu un nepot (tata) si doar 4 din cei 7 copii. Ceilalti trei au murit intre timp, luptand pe front sau asasinati politic.
Bunica mea, unul dintre cei patru copii care au scapat, a pastrat corespondenta cu rudele din Bulgaria, insa de la moartea ei limba bulgara s-a stins la noi in casa si, dupa cateva luni, si cea rusa, odata cu moartea tatalui meu. (La venirea in Romania, in 1956, tata a invatat romaneste dupa niste carti de povesti bilingve). Si iata-ma pe mine, ultimul Caragancev, cautand in sacul cu amintiri incrustate genetic in sangele care imi curge prin vine...
Sometimes, you feel attracted to some places you never saw, or you know very little about, but they call your name and request your presence there with an almost magical magnetism. For me, Bulgaria has been one such place.
It's good to know from the begining that most of the stories you will read here have a large dose of objectivism, but there is also a subjective side quite strong. In short, the story is like this:
I come from a Bulgarian family. The oldest information about my family it's dated somewhere in the middle of the XVIIIth century, when the family called Gancev lived in a village near Targovishte (the Bulgarian Targovishte, not the Romanian one), named Tvarditsa. Because the people were rebels, the fanariot and turkish leaders from those times ridiculed them by calling them "Kara" Gancev ("the black one", or "the bad one"). This particle "Kara" has been preserved attached to the family name until today. I carry and treasure this name, also being the last of their offspring.
Slandered, "hunted down", my forefathers had retreated from Tvarditsa to Tighina, in the south of Bessarabia. There they caught and fought all the wars until 1956, when their succesors established somewhere near Craiova. There came my grand-grandparents, Ilie and Sofia, along with a nephew (my father) and only four of the seven children they had. The other three died in the meantime fighting on the battlefield or killed due to political reasons/orders.
My grandma, one of the four children who got out of that chaos, maintained correspondence with our relatives in Bulgaria, but from the moment she died the Bulgarian language was extinguished in our house. After a few months, the Russian language extinguished too, with the death of my father. (When my daddy had arrived in Romania, in 1956, he learned Romanian using some bilingual story-books). And here I am, the last of the Caragancev seeds, searching feverishly for the other "myself" in the sack of memories, genetically embeded in the blood that flows through my veins ...
E bine de stiut din capul locului ca majoritatea celor ce vor fi povestite aici au o doza mare de obiectivism, dar exista si o latura subiectiva destul de puternica. Pe scurt, povestea sta cam asa:
Eu provin dintr-o familie de bulgari. Cele mai vechi informatii despre familia mea vin de undeva de pe la mijlocul secolului al XVIII-lea, cand familia se numea Gancev si locuia intr-un satuc langa Targoviste (cel bulgaresc, nu cel romanesc), pe nume Tvarditsa. Intrucat erau neam de razvratiti, conducatorii fanarioti si turci din acele vremuri le-au spus "Kara" ("= cel negru", "cel rau"), particula care s-a pastrat lipita de numele de familie pana la mine, ultima din neamul lor.
Ponegriti, "vanati", inaintasii mei s-au retras din Tvarditsa catre Tighina, in sudul Basarabiei, unde au prins si au luptat in toate razboaiele pana in anul 1956, cand s-au stabilit undeva langa Craiova. Aici au venit strabunicii mei impreuna cu un nepot (tata) si doar 4 din cei 7 copii. Ceilalti trei au murit intre timp, luptand pe front sau asasinati politic.
Bunica mea, unul dintre cei patru copii care au scapat, a pastrat corespondenta cu rudele din Bulgaria, insa de la moartea ei limba bulgara s-a stins la noi in casa si, dupa cateva luni, si cea rusa, odata cu moartea tatalui meu. (La venirea in Romania, in 1956, tata a invatat romaneste dupa niste carti de povesti bilingve). Si iata-ma pe mine, ultimul Caragancev, cautand in sacul cu amintiri incrustate genetic in sangele care imi curge prin vine...
Sometimes, you feel attracted to some places you never saw, or you know very little about, but they call your name and request your presence there with an almost magical magnetism. For me, Bulgaria has been one such place.
It's good to know from the begining that most of the stories you will read here have a large dose of objectivism, but there is also a subjective side quite strong. In short, the story is like this:
I come from a Bulgarian family. The oldest information about my family it's dated somewhere in the middle of the XVIIIth century, when the family called Gancev lived in a village near Targovishte (the Bulgarian Targovishte, not the Romanian one), named Tvarditsa. Because the people were rebels, the fanariot and turkish leaders from those times ridiculed them by calling them "Kara" Gancev ("the black one", or "the bad one"). This particle "Kara" has been preserved attached to the family name until today. I carry and treasure this name, also being the last of their offspring.
Slandered, "hunted down", my forefathers had retreated from Tvarditsa to Tighina, in the south of Bessarabia. There they caught and fought all the wars until 1956, when their succesors established somewhere near Craiova. There came my grand-grandparents, Ilie and Sofia, along with a nephew (my father) and only four of the seven children they had. The other three died in the meantime fighting on the battlefield or killed due to political reasons/orders.
My grandma, one of the four children who got out of that chaos, maintained correspondence with our relatives in Bulgaria, but from the moment she died the Bulgarian language was extinguished in our house. After a few months, the Russian language extinguished too, with the death of my father. (When my daddy had arrived in Romania, in 1956, he learned Romanian using some bilingual story-books). And here I am, the last of the Caragancev seeds, searching feverishly for the other "myself" in the sack of memories, genetically embeded in the blood that flows through my veins ...
Back from Bulgaria (Ro+Eng.)
Acum 2 ore si ceva, am ajuns acasa. O alta lume s-a asternut la picioarele mele, pret de sase zile, o alta lume care - intr-un mod extrem de ciudat si cumva inexplicabil - mi s-a parut cunoscuta.
Acum cad de somn, dar cand ma voi trezi, cu siguranta ma voi pune pe istorisit si aratat poze, sa vedeti si voi o parte din Bulgaria prin ochii mei. De fapt, acest blog asta intentiona sa prezinte: calatoriile mele. Din pacate, serviciul si alte datorii "sociale" ma determina sa stau mai mult in caldura gri a betoanelor din Bucuresti...
Datorez multumiri motociclistilor bulgari, care au fost extrem de draguti si ne-au sugerat locuri de vizitat, iar unii dintre ei (se stiu ei care ;) ) chiar ne-au dus grija, mai ales ca azi, la intoarcere, ne-a prins o ploaie la Capul Kaliakra, de nu vedeai 4 metri in fata.
Voi traduce in engleza toate postarile care prezinta Bulgaria, pentru a oferi un feed-back vecinilor nostri. As fi incercat in bulgara, dar inca mai am de invatat.
I am back home, I arrived just 2 hours ago. Another world has laid down at my feet, for about six days, a different world that - in a very strange and somehow unexplained way - I was familiar with.
Now I'm sleepy, but when I will wake up, I will certainly tell the stories and show pictures for you to see a part of Bulgaria through my eyes. Actually, this is what this blog was meant to present: my traveling. Actual travel or imaginary ones. Unfortunately, the job(s) and other "social debts" had determined me to stay more enclosed in the grey heat of the sleepy concrete of Bucharest...
I owe thanks to Bulgarian motorcyclists, who were extremely nice and who had suggested places to visit, and one of them (he knows who;)) even worried for us, especially that today, on our return, we were caught in a heavy rain at Cape Kaliakra, so heavy that you could not see the road for 4 metres in front.
I will translate into English all the posts that present Bulgaria, in order to provide our neighbors with a feed-back. I would have tried in Bulgarian, but I still have to learn the language.
So, until morning... (it's already 4.53 a.m), the sleeping beauty must sleep :)
Acum cad de somn, dar cand ma voi trezi, cu siguranta ma voi pune pe istorisit si aratat poze, sa vedeti si voi o parte din Bulgaria prin ochii mei. De fapt, acest blog asta intentiona sa prezinte: calatoriile mele. Din pacate, serviciul si alte datorii "sociale" ma determina sa stau mai mult in caldura gri a betoanelor din Bucuresti...
Datorez multumiri motociclistilor bulgari, care au fost extrem de draguti si ne-au sugerat locuri de vizitat, iar unii dintre ei (se stiu ei care ;) ) chiar ne-au dus grija, mai ales ca azi, la intoarcere, ne-a prins o ploaie la Capul Kaliakra, de nu vedeai 4 metri in fata.
Voi traduce in engleza toate postarile care prezinta Bulgaria, pentru a oferi un feed-back vecinilor nostri. As fi incercat in bulgara, dar inca mai am de invatat.
I am back home, I arrived just 2 hours ago. Another world has laid down at my feet, for about six days, a different world that - in a very strange and somehow unexplained way - I was familiar with.
Now I'm sleepy, but when I will wake up, I will certainly tell the stories and show pictures for you to see a part of Bulgaria through my eyes. Actually, this is what this blog was meant to present: my traveling. Actual travel or imaginary ones. Unfortunately, the job(s) and other "social debts" had determined me to stay more enclosed in the grey heat of the sleepy concrete of Bucharest...
I owe thanks to Bulgarian motorcyclists, who were extremely nice and who had suggested places to visit, and one of them (he knows who;)) even worried for us, especially that today, on our return, we were caught in a heavy rain at Cape Kaliakra, so heavy that you could not see the road for 4 metres in front.
I will translate into English all the posts that present Bulgaria, in order to provide our neighbors with a feed-back. I would have tried in Bulgarian, but I still have to learn the language.
So, until morning... (it's already 4.53 a.m), the sleeping beauty must sleep :)
sâmbătă, 2 august 2008
Diăr "coligs" ănd (especially) "friends"
Fen q for yor best uishiz. Let zem fulfil for iu tu :)
Tumorău ai uil bi in holidei, său ai ud nat bi in zi ofis.
If iu uant tu contect mi, pliz rait mi tu ză falouing imeil adresiz:
In sfarsit, dupa 5 ani de chin, am concediu d-ala adevarat... "Promit sa ma fac bine" ;)
Tumorău ai uil bi in holidei, său ai ud nat bi in zi ofis.
If iu uant tu contect mi, pliz rait mi tu ză falouing imeil adresiz:
In sfarsit, dupa 5 ani de chin, am concediu d-ala adevarat... "Promit sa ma fac bine" ;)
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